Friday, October 31, 2014

Let's Do This Thing

Let's Do This Thing

Hey There World! I'm obviously new at this whole blog thing, but I'm planning on this blog, HopefulThinkingWishfulThinking, on being more of my personal thoughts and journaling. 

     First, I should probably explain me a bit. The name's Paige. I live in Pennsylvania. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. (I will probably start another blog about the church (Eventually) so keep your eyes peeled if you're interested!) I'm currently 17 years of age. I live with my father and I'm a senior in High School. I really dig cute old fashion things like records, cassettes, Singin' In The Rain etc. I play Ukulele. I have 2 sisters (technically 1 and a half because my youngest sister is just my moms, not my dads.) Also, My parents are divorced. Music is a big part of my liife. Also, I love cheerleading, especially cheering for football. And just in case you were wondering, I sort of have a boyfriend. His name's Ammon. If you keep reading this blog you'll probably hear about him a lot. He's my best friend. If your an adult reading this: I am not one of those stupid teenagers that think they are "hopelessly in love and are having a future with their now boyfriend/girlfriend". Ammon and I are pretty solid and quite mature, but we're happy and I don't have to try to explain to you exactly what it is because I know it's good. But you'll probably have a few posts just about him. 

One of the things I am working on is being completely honest with myself and others. So, I figure the best way to start is to be open. So I guess on here I'll just start with my background and tell you about myself and in the midst of doing that hopefully you will get some incite on me brain and I.

Okay, to start, we've got to start before my time. My momma is from Cali and moved here to PA when she was in high school. She was raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). She is currently and unfortunately inactive in the church. When she moved to Pennsylvania, she met my father. He is not a member of the church. He is seven years older than her and so my mom's parents insisted they either get married or break up. My mom was seventeen when she married my dad. Two years later this world was blessed with their first child. A GORGEOUS baby girl named Paige (Hint, that me guys!!). Thirteen months later my sister, Taylor, was born. When I was about 3 or 4 my parents got a divorce. 
          Now, most people think "wow that must be so hard having you parents divorced" and I use to say "eh, I guess so, but I'm used to it. Honestly it'd be worse if they were together." And although I 100% believe the last part of that statement, I can't lie. Having divorced parents SUCKS. Point Blank. There is never peace. Either you are having to choose which parent you want to live with, which means you like never see the other, or you live with them both but never get really good time with either of them, and you have to deal with where your stuff is and what is at what house and scheduling and everything, it is very stressful. I am speaking from experience. I hope anyone reading this whose parents are together will realize how lucky they are, whether or not you can actually imagine it. My parents disagree on almost everything. I think I'll stop there for tonight. I can only vent about my parents for so long. 

          You are all super beautiful! You're loved and I hope you read my stuff.